Preparing for the Coming Days

“ The Lord has spoken to us through His servants. I urge you to study their messages. Use them as a litmus test of what is true and what is not during the next six months.”-President Nelson October 2024 General Conference-
It’s on this premise that I plan to focus my blog posts. I will search, study, ponder, ask questions, and seek understanding through the guidance of the Holy Ghost. I invite you to do the same. President Nelson is God’s chosen, ordained, and living prophet on the earth today. If he says we’re going to need a “litmus test” to know what’s true and what’s not, then I take him at his word.
Metaphorically, a litmus test refers to any situation or question used to reveal someone's stance or qualifications on an issue and can be a critical factor in determining if something aligns with their goals or values (Webster’s Dictionary).
Because I have a strong belief, faith, and testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and those who’ve been called by the authority of the Priesthood, General Conference messages, scriptures, and teachings from our Church leaders provide clarity, stability, and strengthened conviction to stand for truth and speak out against misleading and destructive content.
This conference was pivotal. It felt as Elder Stevenson and Brother Wilcox said, “...this is a conference never to be forgotten…” Preparation for the coming days is critical. We’ve been at war since the pre-existence. The intensity is increasing with a world in commotion—heightened anxiety, mental illness, conflict, contention, anger, war, and spiritual decline. Bodies of water are surging beyond their bounds, the earth is shaking and breaking apart, and fires ravage acres of land all over the world. I wish I could say I was exaggerating!
Despite the chaos that surrounds us on all fronts, there is one message that resonated in this conference above them all. Those who follow Christ shall not fear!
It’s so easy to get caught up in the chaos and commotion of the world, but there is so much to be grateful for—so much joy to be had and goodness to be seen. This conference is proof of that! It filled my heart with hope and thrilled me to consider that I could possibly be a living witness of the Savior’s return. I so want to be here when He does.
So, how can October 2024 General Conference messages work as a litmus test? What things may we be faced with that require a barometer to stay on the straight and narrow? How can we prepare for the coming days?
Keeping our covenants
The first thing President Nelson pointed out was the building and dedication of temples across the world. He began by highlighting the preservation and renovation of the Salt Lake Temple with its completion by the end of 2026. This felt significant to me for two reasons. In one of his talks given in 2021 he said, “My dear brothers and sisters, when renovations on the Salt Lake Temple are completed, there will be no safer place during an earthquake in the Salt Lake Valley than inside that temple…Likewise, whenever any kind of upheaval occurs in your life, the safest place to be spiritually is living inside your temple covenants!”
Reason #1: If our prophet felt it necessary to preserve and renovate this landmark temple for an earthquake, then an earthquake is imminent. The WHEN of that earthquake doesn’t matter, but preparation for it is critical.
Reason #2: President Nelson pointed out that buffetings of the adversary, chaos, commotion, trials, challenges, and opposition are also imminent. When spiritual earthquakes occur, there is no safer place to be than to be built solidly on the foundation of Christ by living our covenants.
I have felt a strong urgency to redouble my efforts in preparing my family both physically, through food storage and emergency supplies, and spiritually, through intentional scripture study and regular temple attendance.
With so many temples announced, under construction, and being dedicated, President Nelson asked, “ you see what is happening right before our eyes? I pray we will not miss the majesty of this moment! The Lord is indeed hastening His work.” (D&C 88:73)
How can we prepare for the coming days?
It is NOT by accident that President Nelson referenced this section of the Doctrine and Covenants. Everything he talked about has a purpose, and it is our responsibility and duty to seek guidance from the Holy Ghost to learn what that purpose is for our individual lives and for those with whom we have stewardship.
President Nelson said, “I am honored to be His servant.” This wasn’t an arbitrary or insignificant statement. In the allegory of the Olive Tree in Jacob 5, the servant of the Lord (our living prophet) is called upon to call other servants (us/Disciples of Christ) to labor in the vineyard one last time. God then calls upon these servants to labor with “all (their) might, that (they) may prepare the way…for…the end draweth nigh,” and this is the last time He will “prune (His) vineyard.”
The relationship between Doctrine & Covenants 88 and Jacob 5 align and offer an invitation to take part in God’s hastening of the work. It’s my belief that Jesus Christ is anxious to come. However, He cannot until this final push—this final effort is complete. We “are the first laborers in this last kingdom.” President Nelson gave us a place in the timeline of events.
In a perfect compilation of messages, the Savior designed and inspired our ordained leaders as he laid out a perfect plan and action steps to organize, prepare, and sanctify ourselves for the Savior’s Second coming. Brother Brad Wilcox’s message served as a prelude to our prophet’s message when he said, “as you fulfill your birthright responsibilities, you are never alone. The Lord of the Vineyard labors with you. You are working hand in hand with Jesus Christ.”
There is so much to unravel and unveil as we take time to study, ponder, search, and pray about these messages. We cannot stop at simply reading through them. Taking an active role in our study will invite the Spirit to inspire a perfect gameplan for our lives—one that meets us where we are. Brother Wilcox emphasized this point when he said, “because (Jesus Christ) is full of truth, He sees you as you really are—flaws, weaknesses, regrets, and all. Because He is full of grace, He sees you as you really can be. He meets you where you are and helps you repent and improve, overcome and become.”
God’s promises are sure! We can trust, lean on, and fully rely on Him with everything we have; laboring with all our might alongside Him, while allowing His grace to sanctify us in our efforts.
It will not be easy. But, with beautiful synchrony Elder Holland warned that, “if sometimes the harder you try, the more difficult it seems to get; if, just as you try to work on your limitations and your shortcomings, you find someone or something determined to challenge your faith; if, as you labor devotedly, you still feel moments of fear wash over you, remember that it has been so for some of the most faithful and marvelous people in every era of time. Also remember that there is a force in the universe determined to oppose every good thing you try to do.
So, through abundance as well as poverty, through private acclaim as well as public criticism, through the divine elements of the Restoration as well as the human foibles that will inevitably be part of it, we stay the course with the true Church of Christ. Why? Because as with our Redeemer, we signed on for the whole term—not ending with the first short introductory quiz but through to the final exam.”
---Just another reminder that Jesus Christ is coming! Will we be ready? And as President Nelson said in his jovial and optimistic way, “Eat your vitamin pills. Get your rest. It's going to be exciting!”